
Sep 9, 2013

American Duchess Giveaway!

American Duchess is giving away a pair of their new 1930's Oxfords! Click HERE to check it out!

Sep 4, 2013

Marion Costume Update

During last month I spent somewhere around 90 hours on the embroidery for the Marion top for Vintage Aircraft Weekend (VAW) at the end of August. Unfortunately that was only enough time to finish about half of the embroidery. But I got enough done to make it look pretty good!

After spending an hour and a half curling my hair it looked pretty good, but by the time we got to Historic Flight it was pretty much straight. My hair just doesn't curl well unless I curl it overnight.

I only have a few pictures of me from VAW but I'll get a few more pictures soon, and I'll get more once all the embroidery is completed.