
Mar 2, 2016

The Making of Alice | The Apron

This is the second part of the Making of Alice, which is focusing on the apron! You can see the 1st part of this tutorial HERE and pictures of the completed costume HERE

I drafted the pattern myself, which was pretty simple. For the bottom half I started with a rectangle, making it slightly smaller at the waist. For the top, I made it from three pieces. A rectangular piece for the front, marking where I wanted the neckline and shoulders on my dresform. Then on the back I have two pieces (one on each side) that are round and stitched at the shoulder seams and overlap in the back where I sewed a couple of snaps on.

Then there was the waist band, which was a simple straight piece. And lastly, the bow. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the making of the bow because I was using a tutorial for it. That can be found HERE.

Anyways, let's get started! First thing I did was cut out all of my pieces form my fabric. I used a plain white cotton from Jo-Ann's.

Here's all my pieces (minus the waistband).

After I zig zagged all the edges I stitched the shoulder pieces together, right sides together.

I folded all of the side edges over 1/2" and stitched them down. I decided not to fold them over twice because it would have been too difficult with all of the tight curves around the neck and since I zig zagged the edges there was no worry of the fabric fraying.

Then I took my waistband piece and, placing the center front's of pieces together right sides together, I sewed them together with a 1/2" seam allowance.

Next I basted along the top edge of the bottom half apron piece with a 1/4" seam allowance. Using a basting stitch, I gathered the apron to the same size as the top half and lined it up so that the edges were flush on the top and bottom pieces and sewed it to the waistband. After that I ironged the waistband edges over 1/2 inch.

After the edges were ironed, I sewed along the entire waistband with a top stitch, on both sides

 And folded the ends over before hand sewing on a couple of snaps.

After that I made my bow and hand stitched on half of it onto the waist band and put a snap on the other half to snap onto the waistband.